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Whether you have specific questions about driving better pricing outcomes in a B2B environment—or just want to know which questions you should be asking—the library of questions in the PricingBrew Journal makes it easy to find the answers and resources you need.

Here are just a few that subscribers get access to:

  • Our competitors are offering a lower price. Why wouldn’t a customer just take their offer?
  • Why is accurate price segmentation so important?
  • When it comes to calculating customer profitability, how good is “good enough”? How accurate is accurate enough?
  • How can I tell what a customer's real agenda is and identify what type of buyer they really are?
  • We're trying to reduce the complexity of our pricing model. Any tips or suggestions?
  • Can you measure price elasticity through channels?
  • What if our competitors are outperforming us on every value-driver that really matters?
  • What does a real price segment look like? What defines it?
  • Why shouldn't services be priced by the hour? Lawyers and accountants do it, don't they?
  • Should I give my salespeople a specific price, or is a range OK?

This question is just one of hundreds of educational resources you get access to as a PricingBrew Journal subscriber.

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More Subscriber-Only Resources From Our Library

  • Identifying Three Types of Customer Defection

    This video guide shows how to identify the early signs of three costly types of customer defection and how to take action before it's too late to turn it around.

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  • There's More to Profit Than Price

    For many pricing teams, expanding their perspectives from "pricing" to "profitability" is the key to maximizing effectiveness. In this on-demand training session, we expose and explore five of the other powerful growth levers that really matter in B2B environments.

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  • How to Tackle Trade Tariffs

    In this insightful conversation, Sean Arnold helps us sort through the issues and understand our options when addressing the latest addition to our list of pricing challenges: trade tariffs.

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  • The Essence of Strategic Pricing

    It's easy to fill your to-do list with all sorts of tactical pricing tasks. But if you're only focusing on those, it's hard to generate significant results. View this recorded training seminar and learn about tackling the most powerful and effective aspects of real strategic pricing.

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