
Subscriber-Only On-Demand Webinar

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Pricing Services to Customer Value

How to Improve Revenue and Margins When the Offering Is Intangible and Customers Are Buying Your Time

When you’re selling services or project work, it can be challenging to get customers to see past the fact that they’re buying hours from you and focus on the value of something intangible. In this four-part recorded training seminar, you will learn about:

  • The costly downsides of pricing by the hour and why you should focus on value-based pricing instead.
  • How the intangible nature of services can affect your margins and increase internal pressures to discount.
  • The simple steps you can take to make your services easier to understand and ultimately, easier to buy.
  • How to leverage "value packages" to appeal to different customers segments and sell at different prices.

This webinar is just one of hundreds of educational resources you get access to as a PricingBrew Journal subscriber.

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