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The Price Segmentation Self-Assessment

A Straightforward Self-Assessment to Gauge the Likely Quality of Your Price Segmentation

Simply answer the questions in this self-assessment objectively to gauge the likely quality, accuracy, and efficacy of your price segmentation model. You can assess overall quality as well as pinpoint specific opportunities for improvement.

This tool is just one of hundreds of educational resources you get access to as a PricingBrew Journal subscriber.

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    The timing of your pricing actions can greatly influence how those actions are perceived and received. In this Express Guide, learn how to time your pricing actions to minimize conflict and maximize acceptance.

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  • How to Price Big Deals

    Big deals generate a lot of internal pressure and it's easy to ignore the huge pitfalls of winning "badly." In this session, we explore a triangulated pricing approach to ensure profitability, mitigate risk, and avoid future regret.

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  • Making Price Increases Stick

    Rolling out a price increase is no guarantee that you'll actually get what you want. So how do you reduce the uncertainty and make your price increases "stick" to the degree you need?

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  • Delivering Data to Decision Makers

    Providing data to decision-makers is a core responsibility for most pricing teams. But getting it right is a significant challenge. In this on-demand session, learn how leading teams are making their efforts in this area more effective.

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