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Tales from the Trenches in B2B Pricing

Gleaning Insights from Ten Cautionary Case Studies in Pricing Improvement

We have to recognize that driving pricing improvement in a B2B environment can sometimes be a messy affair. With so many moving parts and so many different people involved, it's almost a given that things won't go as planned. And as we move forward, we might even discover that our initial assessment was all wrong. To navigate the path with as few missteps as possible, we should take advantage of "perfect hindsight" and learn all we can from those who have gone before. In this on-demand webinar, you'll learn about:

  • The importance of accurate root-cause diagnosis and the costly downsides of focusing on the obvious.
  • How to gracefully recover from a major miscalculation and get your pricing initiative back on track.
  • Taking prudent steps to mitigate organizational risk and minimize the potential for internal blowback.
  • What others now recognize that they could have done differently to sidestep many of the challenges.

This webinar is just one of hundreds of educational resources you get access to as a PricingBrew Journal subscriber.

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