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Whether you have specific questions about driving better pricing outcomes in a B2B environment—or just want to know which questions you should be asking—the library of questions in the PricingBrew Journal makes it easy to find the answers and resources you need.

Here are just a few that subscribers get access to:

  • Should I share the results of our marketing research with the sales team?
  • How can I tell what a customer's real agenda is and identify what type of buyer they really are?
  • Does price elasticity really exist in B2B markets?
  • What are the different buyer types we might be negotiating with?
  • Is speaking about loss avoidance really more powerful than highlighting upside gains?
  • Should it concern us that customers haven't ever considered the value-drivers we've identified?
  • What have other groups experienced when trying to link pricing performance to sales commissions? What have they done? And how successful has it been?
  • Are there downsides to grandfathering existing SaaS subscribers into their current pricing levels when we raise prices for newbies?
  • Why shouldn't services be priced by the hour? Lawyers and accountants do it, don't they?
  • My company seems to love platitudes. How do I get others to focus on real messages?

This question is just one of hundreds of educational resources you get access to as a PricingBrew Journal subscriber.

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More Subscriber-Only Resources From Our Library

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    Having a better understanding of your buyers can help make profitable pricing outcomes the natural result. This guide reveals 17 powerful customer insights that are proven to be beneficial for creating advantageous pricing conditions.

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  • Avoiding Guesswork in Value-Based Pricing

    Most value-based pricing initiatives aren't small undertakings--and shouldn't be left to trial and intuition. This guide outlines a proven research process that can get you started.

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  • The Pros & Cons of B2B Pricing Strategies

    The conventional wisdom around pricing strategy often fails to make clear that some of the "standard" options are extremely dangerous in B2B environments! In this on-demand webinar, learn which pricing strategies actually work...and which ones will destroy your margins.

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  • B2B eCommerce Pricing Practices

    Market dynamics have kicked B2B ecommerce trends into high gear. In this session, we dispel eight myths of B2B ecommerce and explore ten critical strategic pricing principles you'll want to embrace.

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