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A Modern Approach for Fixing a Costly Profit Leak

Exploring a Virtual Solution to the Massive "Mismatch" in Negotiation Skills That Costs Companies Millions

Our research has revealed a huge disparity between buyers and sellers when it comes to negotiation skills. In short, sellers are at a serious disadvantage and it's costing companies a lot of revenue and profit. But what can you do about it? Well, after exploring a number of different options, we recently had the opportunity to review a virtual negotiation training solution from SPASIGMA that we believe to be a very effective solution. In this research briefing, you will learn about:

  • The magnitude of the gap between buyers and sellers in negotiation training, skills, and experience.
  • Just how much revenue, margin, and profit this disparity could be costing your company right now.
  • The virtual training program our team went through---what it is, how it works, and our impressions.
  • The seven-step game plan we recommend for finally addressing this costly revenue and profit leak.

This research is just one of hundreds of educational resources you get access to as a PricingBrew Journal subscriber.

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