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How to Price New Products

Exploring Core Strategies and Processes for Dealing with the Realities of New Product Pricing

It's safe to say that every pricing practitioner or pricing team will have to deal with new products at some point. But the reality of these situations is often far from ideal, or what would be considered to be "best practice". In this training session replay, you will learn about:

  • Three fairly common "new product pricing" scenarios that pricing teams will likely encounter in their businesses.
  • The core processes that can help overcome the common issues when dealing with products that are entirely new.
  • Why you shouldn't take shortcuts when pricing products that are incremental improvements on existing products.
  • How the nature of the problem changes with products that are designed to fulfill a strategic need in your portfolio.

This webinar is just one of hundreds of educational resources you get access to as a PricingBrew Journal subscriber.

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