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From Tactical to Strategic Pricing

How to Reduce the Firefighting and Become a More Strategic Pricing Function

Many of the pricing teams we interact with seem to be stuck. On the one hand, they know they need to focus on more strategic pursuits. But on the other hand, they're so mired in tactical grunt work and daily firefights that they never seem to make much progress. Beyond the sheer frustration of living with this dynamic, there's also a massive opportunity cost. So how have other pricing teams managed to make the transition? What steps did they take to become a much more strategic function? In this on-demand webinar, you'll learn about:

  • Simple steps that others have taken to create the "space" for more strategic pricing endeavors.
  • Selecting the right strategic priorities for your business situation and mix of available resources.
  • Driving meaningful progress and producing results that warrant going further and doing more.
  • How and when to talk about what you're doing, the results you've produced, and what's next.

This webinar is just one of hundreds of educational resources you get access to as a PricingBrew Journal subscriber.

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