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Exposing the Power of Price Elasticity in B2B

Barrett Thompson Explains the Nature of Price Elasticity in B2B and How You Can Use It To Set Better Prices with Far Less Risk

Price elasticity has been a core aspect of consumer pricing for decades. But in business-to-business environments, this foundational pricing concept is not only incredibly underutilized, it's often misunderstood. In this conversation with Barrett Thompson, you will learn:

  • The basic concept of price elasticity and how you can recognize that it's operating in your business right now.
  • How price elasticity manifests differently in B2B and doesn't follow the traditional or textbook definitions.
  • Why an understanding of price elasticity can significantly reduce the risks associated with price-setting in B2B.
  • The basic process for measuring and calculating the price elasticities of the various segments in your business.

This interview is just one of hundreds of educational resources you get access to as a PricingBrew Journal subscriber.

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