
Subscriber-Only On-Demand Webinar

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Driving Consistent Price Execution

How to Maintain the Integrity and Profitability of Your Pricing Model

Every B2B pricing team wants to ensure that their sales team is consistently applying the appropriate pricing levels and policies across all customers and transactions. It's a top priority and significant concern because inconsistency in price execution will not only leave money on the table; it can also lead to perceptions of unfairness, customer dissatisfaction, and ultimately, the complete erosion of our overall credibility and integrity. In this on-demand webinar, you'll learn about:

  • How to reinforce and support the accuracy and appropriateness of your pricing guidance.
  • Proven approaches for measuring compliance and consistency in price execution over time.
  • How to encourage better behaviors by putting the right set of "carrots and sticks" in place.
  • Using pricing technology to improve consistency, accuracy, and speed, all at the same time.

This webinar is just one of hundreds of educational resources you get access to as a PricingBrew Journal subscriber.

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