
Subscriber-Only On-Demand Webinar

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Diagnosing Pricing Problems

How to Identify the Real Root-Causes Behind Pricing Performance Issues

When companies stop at a default diagnosis of, “Something’s wrong with the pricing,” they never identify and fix the true root-causes of the issues. Instead, they erode their margins further trying to “fix” the symptoms through price reductions, larger discounts, or worse. And thus begins a downward spiral as pricing “fixes” lead to more pricing “issues”…which then lead to even more “fixes”…that cause even more serious “issues.” On and on, the symptoms get worse and the real problem is never corrected. In this subscriber-only training webinar, you will learn about:

  • Why pricing is such an effective scapegoat for the various issues and problems a B2B company may encounter along the way.
  • The most common...yet, often unrecognized...root-causes that are ultimately responsible for many pricing "symptoms."
  • An incredibly straightforward diagnostic technique you can get in the habit of using to avoid jumping to simplistic conclusions.
  • Numerous real-world examples of seemingly obvious pricing problems that were really just symptoms of problems elsewhere.

This webinar is just one of hundreds of educational resources you get access to as a PricingBrew Journal subscriber.

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