
Subscriber-Only Expert Interview

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Creating More Powerful Sales Proposals

Talking with Reuben Swartz of Mimiran About Creating Sales Proposals That Win More Business at Higher Margins

Delivering a proposal is often the final "yes/no" step that every other sales and marketing activity is leading up to. Proposal improvements can make your entire sales effort more efficient, effective, and profitable. In this recorded and transcribed interview with Reuben Swartz, you will learn:

  • How making your sales proposal process less time-consuming for your reps can actually improve your win-rates.
  • How visibility into what's happening with a proposal after it's delivered can increase effectiveness and reduce stress.
  • How to ensure your proposals consistently deliver and reinforce the value messages that lead to higher margins.
  • The powerful effect that "bookending" the offerings in your proposals can have on price perceptions and deal sizes.

This interview is just one of hundreds of educational resources you get access to as a PricingBrew Journal subscriber.

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