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Whether you have specific questions about driving better pricing outcomes in a B2B environment—or just want to know which questions you should be asking—the library of questions in the PricingBrew Journal makes it easy to find the answers and resources you need.

Here are just a few that subscribers get access to:

  • How can we see the customer spend that we aren't getting?
  • What's the difference between defection detection and customer retention?
  • Should it concern us that customers haven't ever considered the value-drivers we've identified?
  • Should I give my salespeople a specific price, or is a range OK?
  • Does price elasticity really exist in B2B markets?
  • Isn't the point of analytics all about identifying outliers and taking action to make sure they don't happen again?
  • What if our top-selling salesperson is the worst at hitting target prices and margins?
  • How can pricing skills be applied to other profitable problems?
  • What is the average % lift reported by those using price elasticity to set prices?
  • How can I tell if a customer is defecting early enough to do something about it?

This question is just one of hundreds of educational resources you get access to as a PricingBrew Journal subscriber.

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More Subscriber-Only Resources From Our Library

  • How to Price Big Deals

    Big deals generate a lot of internal pressure and it's easy to ignore the huge pitfalls of winning "badly." In this session, we explore a triangulated pricing approach to ensure profitability, mitigate risk, and avoid future regret.

    View This Webinar
  • Making Price Increases Stick

    Rolling out a price increase is no guarantee that you'll actually get what you want. So how do you reduce the uncertainty and make your price increases "stick" to the degree you need?

    View This Webinar
  • Dynamic Price Segmentation

    How do you build a price segmentation model that aligns to deal-by-deal price sensitivities while still being manageable? In this session, we illustrate why dynamic, attribute-based segmentation is best practice.

    View This Webinar
  • How to Retain Your Key Customers

    When you lose business from existing accounts, the sales team must acquire even more new business to compensate. In this on-demand training session, learn how pricing analysis skills are ideal to identify and minimize revenue attrition and customer defection.

    View This Webinar