The Price of a Bad Diagnosis
If you don't truly understand the problem, you're not going to come up with the right solution.
Could Better Pricing Have Saved the Titanic?
The ill-fated ship might have received a warning of the impending disaster had radio communications not been so inexpensive.
Why Allow Negotiation With AI-Optimized Prices?
Recently, a PricingBrew Journal subscriber asked an extremely thoughtful question about an apparent conflict between two best practices we highlight regularly---tech-enabled price optimization and negotiation skills development. So what gives? What's the answer?
The Communication Gap That Holds Pricing Teams Back
Internal misunderstandings can lead to many frustrating surprises that can have disastrous consequences. Here are the 3 root causes.
How to Become a More Persuasive Pricing Professional
Want to be able to talk anyone into anything? Include these four elements in your arguments.
Why Simplifying Your Pricing Strategy Can Be a Mistake
In most business disciplines, simplification usually yields financial rewards. But that isn't the case with pricing.
Crossing the Secretive Divide in Pricing
Sometimes B2B pricing is a little bit like the field of evolutionary biology.
Why Sales Teams Struggle With Price Compliance
If only the sales team would do what they are supposed to do, it would solve so many business problems.