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How to Increase Your Odds of Success by 600%

In studying successful B2B pricing teams, it’s clear that they rarely stand still for very long. They’re never content with the status quo. And they are constantly pushing forward with the next big pricing process or technology initiative.

But there’s clearly a certain amount of risk involved in any type of new initiative.

If the project succeeds, you’ll get some accolades and bolster your credibility when you propose the next big thing. But a failed initiative…or even one that’s overly painful and disruptive…could end up leaving a black mark on your reputation (and resume) for very long time.

So…what if there was something that could increase your odds of success by 600%?

Here at PricingBrew, we study a lot of primary research, across a number of inter-related business areas. And recently, I read something very interesting on page 83 of a massive, 300+ page research report provided to us by Prosci:

“Projects with excellent change management effectiveness were more than six times more likely to achieve project objectives than teams with poor change management effectiveness, 94% to 15%, respectively.”

Now, it may very well be that I found this little nugget so interesting because it confirmed something that I’ve long known, but could never really prove (aka confirmation bias). In any case, after studying the supporting data, I just had to learn more. So I scheduled an interview with Scott McAllister of Prosci and Suraj Mohandas of Zilliant to discuss the research, as well as the real-world implications.

Through the resulting interview, I learned that change management may indeed be another one of those powerful “secret weapons” that separates leading pricing teams from those that struggle. After all, knowing where to focus and what to do is only half the battle—actually getting it all done is another matter altogether.

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