Here are Some of The Many Resources In The Library
Manage Your Customer Mix to Improve Profits
It's natural to assume that you need to raise your prices or lower your costs to improve gross margins. But there's another powerful variable in the equation that can help grow profits.
Six Price Optimization Misconceptions Exposed
Price optimization can provide a significant competitive advantage for the companies that have adopted it. This guide explores the mistaken beliefs that could be costing you sales & margin dollars.
Effective Internal Marketing for Pricing Initiatives
Pricing initiatives don't happen overnight and organizational support can wane over time. Without some thoughtful planning, initiatives can end-up fading into the background. Learn the approaches two companies used to keep support and momentum going.
Can You Benefit from Better Deal Management?
Horror stories of unprofitable or poorly managed deals seem to be all too common in B2B. In this guide by Elliot Yama, learn the common causes of bad deals and four signs that your deal management process is lacking.
21 Questions About Your Price Segmentation
It can be difficult to know if your price segmentation model is as effective as it should be. This 21-point diagnostic assessment helps you measure how good your model really is and uncover potential areas of improvement.
How Strict Pricing Enforcement Killed a Product
Strict enforcement of pricing policies can seem like a great idea. But this comical case study sheds some light on the perils of enforcing policies that are lacking (and somewhat ridiculous).
Four Ways to Be More Strategic In Pricing
In pricing, it's all too easy to get lost in all of the administrative tasks and tactical activities. This guide outlines four areas of focus that can help you become a much more strategic pricing professional.
Competitive Insights for More Strategic Pricing
To avoid unnecessary pricing battles, you need to have a deep understanding of your competitors and their approaches to pricing. This guide shows you how to gain the strategic insights you need.
Step-by-Step Competitive Analysis for Strategic Pricing
How to use competitive analysis to identify actionable opportunities to gain strategic advantage, expose competitive gaps, provide differentiation beyond price, and reduce the pressure to discount.
Delivering Answers to the Point of Sale
While the promise of data-driven decisions in sales is compelling, it’s rarely realistic. This tutorial reveals a more effective approach for getting salespeople to use data and analytics to make better pricing decisions.
The Anatomy of a Successful B2B Pricing Analyst
What key competencies are most important for a B2B pricing analyst to have? This guide covers PricingBrew Network research into the 21 most important attributes, skills, and capabilities for B2B pricing analysts to develop or possess.
How to Crater a Market with Cost-Plus Pricing
For one large manufacturer, cost-plus pricing was tantamount to malpractice. In this case study, learn how the lack of strategic pricing capability reduced the value of an entire market by over $1 billion.
How to Avoid Sales Compensation Gotchas
While no variable comp approach is ever perfect, you stand a much better chance when you minimize the unintended consequences. This guide exposes the problems with various schemes and explores potential solutions.
Getting Beyond Pricing to Make a Real Impact
To be effective in B2B pricing, you have to be able influence all of the different functional groups involved. This guide exposes how to influence the upstream decisions that can ultimately make or break your pricing efforts.
Driving Strategic Decisions with Pricing Analytics
Most often, pricing analytics are only used to evaluate specific deals, identify pricing outliers, and measure price performance over time. But in the right hands, armed with the right questions, pricing analytics can serve a much more strategic purpose.