Here Are Just Some of The Expert Interviews Available
Exposing the Power of Price Elasticity in B2B

Price elasticity is incredibly underutilized and often misunderstood. Barrett Thompson explains the nature of price elasticity in B2B and how you can use it to set better prices with far less risk.
Fighting Over-Discounting in the Field

Over-discounting in the field is a frustrating reality for most B2B pricing teams. So, how do you prevent it from happening? In this Expert Interview, Chaz Napoli shares the strategies and tactics he's found to be effective through hundreds of customer engagements.
Getting to the Right Number

In this Expert Interview, Walter Paczkowski shares his perspectives on the challenges and opportunities he's identified in his work using advanced quantitative techniques to set better prices.
Are They a Price Buyer or a Poker Player?

It's easy to assume that when a buyer says they need a lower price, they really mean it. But making the wrong assumption can be very costly. Nelson Hyde explains how to tell when a buyer is bluffing.
Leveraging the Power of Price Segmentation

In this Expert Interview, Paul Parsons discusses his experiences helping a number of distributors and manufacturers leverage the power of segmentation to boost their margins and profits.
Stop Living With Subpar Price Execution!

In this Expert Interview, Cath Brands of Flintfox discusses what pricing teams can do to finally address those frustrating and costly price execution issues that have been slowing us down and holding us back.
Stop Being Afraid of Procurement

In this interview with Chris Provines, author of "Selling to Procurement", get an inside look at the goals and tactics of the purchasing people who are working so hard to get your salespeople to give up margin.
Finding Your Path Toward Pricing Improvement

An insightful conversation with Andre Weber of Simon-Kucher & Partners about pricing improvement in B2B.
The Right Way to Manage and Enable Change

How do you encourage, enable, and manage organizational change when the deck is stacked against you? In this in-depth interview, Scott McAllister and Suraj Mohandas share the quantifiable benefits of effective change management and expose the essential steps that are required to get it right.
Exploring the Future of the Pricing Profession

Pricing is a specialized function and it can be difficult to get a read on the health and status of where the field is headed. Kevin Mitchell of the Professional Pricing Association provides his perspectives on the state of the pricing profession.
Working With the C-Suite to Improve Pricing

A conversation with veteran pricing professional Lydia DiLiello about working more effectively with executive management.
Are Revenue Management and Pricing Different?

Some practitioners will use the terms "revenue management" and "pricing" interchangeably. In this expert interview, Amit Aggarwal, the Executive Vice President of Revenue Management at iHeartMedia, helps explain the differences and why they matter.
Dismantling Mid-Market Pricing Myths

In this Expert Interview with Jared Wiesel of Revenue Analytics, learn about his work helping mid-market companies get past the myths and misconceptions to begin leveraging the power of pricing technology.
How to Tackle Trade Tariffs

In this insightful conversation, Sean Arnold helps us sort through the issues and understand our options when addressing the latest addition to our list of pricing challenges: trade tariffs.
Developing Better Relationships with the Sales Team

Sales and pricing will rarely see eye to eye. Greg Preuer, Director of Pricing at Cooper Lighting, shares his experiences on how he's been able to work more effectively with the sales team.