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Business-to-Business Price Elasticity

Understanding the Fundamentals of the Most Powerful and Underutilized Measure in B2B Pricing

For decades, business-to-consumer pricers have viewed price elasticity as a prerequisite for effective pricing. But in the business-to-business world, price elasticity is often misunderstood and as a result, it has only recently begun to be broadly utilized. In this recorded training session, you'll learn:

  • The fundamental concept of price elasticity, how it's calculated, and how it actually works in B2B environments.
  • The major misconceptions and barriers that have prevented B2B pricers from leveraging this powerful concept.
  • How price elasticity can be used to predict the expected volume, revenue, and profit impacts of your price moves.
  • How price elasticity can be used to determine the price moves you need to make to achieve your financial goals.

This webinar is just one of hundreds of educational resources you get access to as a PricingBrew Journal subscriber.

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