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Dealing with Pricing Complexity

Striking the Right Balance Between Pricing Sophistication and Ease of Execution

In B2B pricing, one of the many dichotomies we have to contend with is about complexity. On the one hand, if we want to maximize our pricing power, we need to develop granular pricing models that address as many differences in willingness-to-pay as possible. On the other hand, anything more complex tends to be more challenging to explain to others and execute in the field.  So how do we achieve the right balance? How much complexity is enough to boost pricing performance and results? And how much is too much for the organization to handle and execute? In this on-demand webinar, you'll learn about:

  • Identifying the tipping point where more pricing complexity and granularity have diminishing returns.
  • Starting simply, while laying the foundations for increasing the sophistication and specificity over time.
  • Effective communication strategies for making complex pricing models more understandable to others.
  • Leveraging technology to craft more sophisticated models while "shielding the field" from complexity.

This webinar is just one of hundreds of educational resources you get access to as a PricingBrew Journal subscriber.

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