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The B2B Pricing Capability Self-Assessment

A Straightforward Self-Assessment to Help Identify Strategic and Tactical Pricing Capability Gaps

To identify areas for improvement and help gauge the competitiveness of your company's strategic and tactical pricing capabilities, simply answer the 52 questions in this self-assessment as truthfully and objectively as possible. Once you've completed the assessment, you can use the negative responses to help guide your improvement efforts.

This tool is just one of hundreds of educational resources you get access to as a PricingBrew Journal subscriber.

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    What's the best way to manage competitive pricing pressure? In this 4-part training webinar, we share 20 strategies and tactics leading pricing teams are using to anticipate competitive moves, minimize their impact, and respond more effectively.

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  • The Fundamentals of Multinational Pricing

    Multinational expansion often brings a massive increase in pricing complexity. In this session, we discuss how to cut through the complexities, focus on the fundamentals, and drive big performance improvements.

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  • Getting Control of Discounting

    In B2B, discounting tend to be the norm rather than the exception. How do we make sure the discounts are appropriate and warranted? And how do we do it without alienating the sales team?

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  • The Fundamentals of Pricing Intelligence

    In pricing, it's easy to feel like you're making decisions in a vacuum. But there are many powerful sources of pricing intelligence you can leverage. In this on-demand webinar, learn how to design and implement systems for tapping into those sources of intelligence and how best to respond.

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